Things to do In Robin Hoods Bay

There is the Beach, with it's unique blend of rock pools, sandy areas, fossil hunting, searching for Jet (the black gold), not to mention the usual beach activities. But, in addition, there are a surprising number of attractions around the village that are well worth a visit.

The Robin Hoods Bay Museum
This quaint museum records the history of Robin Hoods Bay and gives a fascinating insight into the lifestyles of original Baytown inhabitants. It is housed in the Old Coroners Court. To get to the museum, head down New Road towards the dock. On the right hand side just after the Old Police House you will see Jim Burns Stile (A Narrow Ginnel with steps that climbs toward the Chapel and Fisherhead) The Museum is easy to find from the top of this track.

The Dinosaur and Fossil Museum
On New Road as it approaches the Dock. This small space is a cross between a museum and a shop. It has some surprisingly impressive specimens on show and a wide range of geological specimens for sale, including many smaller items for pocket money prices.

A Walk around our Village
This is the title of a neat little pamphlet that is published by our village newspaper (Bayfair). You can pick up a copy from Muir Lea Stores or the coastguard station by the Dock. It takes you on a self guided walk around the village, starting and ending at the Dock. The walk is well worth following as the route will introduce you to areas of the Bay that you might not discover on your own.

The Bay Treasure Hunt
A small pamphlet produced by Baythorpe books and available from Baytown Stores and others (costs around 50p). It is a pictorial treasure hunt that encourages you to explore all ares of the Bay whilst ticking off finds. Great activity for all ages. the final page has some puzzles based on your finds.

The Ghost Walk
The walks are advertised on noticeboards around the village. You meet at the dock shortly before the published start time as there is no need to book, Rose leads the walk around the Bay regaling you with a tales of times gone by interspersed with humorous asides. Suitable for adults and children. You may be reassured that Fenay Cottage does not feature in any of the ghostly tales (Yet). Website

The Old Coastguard Station
Located by The Dock, the Old Coastguard Station is managed by the National Trust. It houses a cafe and shop. Outside of the Old Coastguard Station is one of the oldest RNLI collection boxes still in use. The cast iron fish collection box was installed in 1887. Dropping a coin into the fish's mouth is the least you can do.

Old St Stephen's Church
Old St Stephen's Church is definitely worth a visit. There has been a church on this site for around a thousand years, however the current building was built in 1822 and has remained essentially unchanged since then. The Church is maintained by a 'friends' group and supported by charitable donations. The Walk from Fenay Cottage to the Church would have been a familiar one to many of the residents of this cottage over the years. Step back into the past by following in their foot steps and making this short pilgrimage. The Church is open every day during the summer season and there are a number of local key holder who will open the church on request, the details of how to contact them are available in the porch of the Church. Website